
Catholic Confirmation Program

Built by Life Teen's Catechesis Team.
Designed with Catholic Parishes.
Used in Confirmation programs around the world.

Why we built this:

Purpose is Life Teen's best-in-class Confirmation Catechesis Program. This program is designed to be the most engaging & enriching format for teens to prepare for this important Sacrament. Purpose combines a dynamic Kerygma-based curriculum with digital tools to make the best teen experience possible.

Purpose subscription includes digital and print materials, so you have what you need when you need it
Confirmation is not graduation; it is not the end, but the continuation of our journey toward heaven that began at our baptism. We want teens to fall in love with Christ in this monumental Sacrament and initiation as practicing Catholic adults. We want this to be the beginning of a life-long relationship with Christ, with Confirmation marking a new chapter for teens as they receive the grace & gifts of the Holy Spirit.

When you buy Purpose, you’ll receive a box of supplemental books that are great resources and tools for Catechesis.
Purpose Story Guide
Story Guide
The Purpose Story Guide provides parents and confirmation sponsors with the content needed to journey with their teen as they prepare to receive the Sacrament of Confirmation.
Inspired will help teens navigate the Bible, providing them with biblical stories and current application, showing teens how to apply the various lessons and timeless truths to their daily lives.

Foundations Series
If you want to get every teen a book that can answer the big questions about our faith, try Why God, Why Jesus, and Why Church.
100 Saints
100 Saints Every Catholic Teen Should Know
100 Saints Every Catholic Teen Should Know will help teens learn more about the lives of incredible saints recognized by the Catholic Church.
100 Things
100 Things Every Catholic Teen Should Know
100 Things Every Catholic Teen Should Know will help teens learn about some of the most foundational and controversial teachings of the Catholic Church in a way that is insightful, fun, and easy to read.
Life Teen's Purpose Confirmation Program was a game changer for our entire parish. While keeping with the gather, proclaim and send model, it has given our small groups the opportunity to really engage in discussion with each other. We love that Purpose gives us the opportunity to craft this ministry to fit our parish (ie: large group, small group, Spanish or 8th grade). It stays updated and relevant to our teens today.
- Tammy (Youth Minister, TX)
Since implementing Purpose, it has positively impacted many teenagers. The Purpose model is adaptable and works with any demographic. It is 100% relatable and stays relevant. I now have leaders returning to help develop young people, all because of its simple mission: "There is a God who loves me, he lives inside me, there is a world that needs him, and so he sent me to them." Our young people are the protagonists; we walk them through the kerygma and answer the fundamental questions that our teens brings to the table. One teen even started a Catholic ministry on his public school campus because he took his purpose seriously. God is so Good Thank you Life Teen!
- Kyle (Youth Minister, LA)

Looking to give each of your students their own materials?

Stock up on Confirmation materials for your teens

Many parishes choose to buy each teen a copy of these books. Here is a great selection depending on what your Parish needs.

100 Saints
100 Things
Purpose Poster Set
Purpose Story Guide
Why Church
Why God
Why Jesus