Purpose Story Guide

What Is Our Purpose?

We were each designed with a purpose. However, in the midst of our daily lives — busy schedules, countless activities, work, social media, and other responsibilities — it is easy to forget this basic reality. In these moments, we need to be reminded of our purpose. Story Guide serves as that reminder. Use it to rediscover your purpose to be known, loved, and redeemed by a God who has a plan for your eternity.

  • The Mission

  • Unique Features

  • About This Author

  • The Mission

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    Story Guide provides parents and confirmation sponsors with the content needed to journey with their teen as they prepare to receive the Sacrament of Confirmation.

  • Unique Features

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    • Includes modified teachings for each session of Purpose: A Transformative Plan for Confirmation
    • Highlights unique design elements that complement the content of each session
  • About This Author

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    A team of dedicated and knowledgeable youth ministers contributed to the teachings for Purpose: A Transformative Plan for Confirmation. Elizabeth Bayardi, who serves as the Assistant to the Director of Resource Development for Life Teen, took their writings and developed them into this book.

Who Needs It

Any parent or confirmation sponsor of a teen who is participating in Purpose: A Transformative Plan for Confirmation.


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Using This Book

Story Guide is designed to help parents and confirmation sponsors better understand the curriculum of Purpose: A Transformative Plan for Confirmation.