Why Jesus?

Why Jesus?

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Teacher. Prophet. Revolutionary. God?

For over 2,000 years, people have acknowledged and debated Jesus’ claim to be the Son of God. Few deny His existence but some are hesitant to declare this carpenter from Nazareth as their Lord and Savior. How are we to respond? Why Jesus? explores this question and more, providing us with the answers we need to accept our call to be disciples of the Son of God.

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    Why Jesus? answers common questions teens have about the second person of the Trinity, Jesus.

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    Provides answers to five common questions about Jesus

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    Joel Stepanek has been actively and passionately involved in ministry for over ten years. What began as a simple internship in a parish youth ministry office evolved into an incredible adventure that led him on numerous middle school lock-ins, high school retreats, parish missions, and ultimately to meet his wife, Colleen. Joel is the Director of Resource Development for Life Teen, loves cooking, weightlifting, spending time with his family, and raising awareness about the disgustingness of kale and all things kale related. Contrary to popular belief, he does not have narcolepsy and does not randomly fall asleep in odd situations.

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Who Needs It

Any teen who has questions about Jesus, especially teens who are participating in Purpose: A Transformative Plan for Confirmation.


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Using This Book

Why Jesus? is a pocket-size book that complements the curriculum for Purpose: A Transformative Plan for Confirmation. It is a great resource for teens who are participating in confirmation preparation or anyone who has questions about Jesus.