The Greatest Job On Earth
Seven Virtues of an Incredible Youth Minister

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Be Amazing

Youth ministry is one of the greatest jobs a person can have. Where else can you play messy games, eat pizza, but then relate it all back to the Gospel and challenge teenagers to be disciples? Youth ministry isn’t easy, though. Navigating through the joys and pitfalls can be tough.

The Greatest Job on Earth is a book for any person that works with youth – whether they are a high school or middle school youth minister, teacher, or a priest or religious. This impactful book breaks open seven “virtues” that every highly successful youth leader possesses. Whether you are a veteran or a rookie in youth ministry, The Greatest Job on Earth is sure to take your ministry up to a whole new level.

  • The Mission

  • Unique Features

  • About This Author

  • The Mission

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    The Greatest Job on Earth challenges and empowers youth ministers, Core Members, teachers, priests, and religious to embrace seven “virtues” of youth ministry and rise to the task of forming disciples.
  • Unique Features

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    • A comprehensive end-note section with further reading, commentary, and additional insight (and humor)
    • Challenges for every chapter that are great for a group or individual to undertake
    • Practical advice from a field-tested youth minister
    • Fun, animated drawings that anthropomorphize virtues
  • About This Author

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    Joel Stepanek has been actively and passionately involved in ministry for over ten years. What began as a simple internship in a parish youth ministry office evolved into an incredible adventure that led him on numerous middle school lock-ins, high school retreats, parish missions, and ultimately to meet his wife, Colleen. Joel is the Director of Resource Development for Life Teen, loves cooking, weightlifting, spending time with his family, and raising awareness about the disgustingness of kale and all things kale related.

Who Needs It

Any person that is working in youth ministry – paid or volunteer – needs this book on their shelf.

Using This Book

The Greatest Job on Earth is great for individuals, groups, and diocesan officials. Here are some great ways to use it:

  • Give a copy to the new parish youth minister
  • Provide copies for all your Core Members
  • Read annually as a self-guided reflection / retreat
  • Book study with other adult youth ministers
  • Core Team formation over seven weeks before Life Nights / Edge Nights