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Purpose (Support Discount)
Purpose (Support Discount)
Purpose (Support Discount)
Purpose (Support Discount)
Purpose (Support Discount)
Purpose (Support Discount)
Purpose (Support Discount)
Purpose (Support Discount)
Purpose (Support Discount)

Purpose (Support Discount)

This item cannot be purchased by itself without an accompanying Support suscription.
Purpose is Life Teen's transformative plan for confirmation preparation. More than a resource, Purpose is designed to help proclaim the Gospel message to young people while providing an atmosphere where they are accompanied by adult leaders toward discipleship. There are three aspects to the Purpose plan:

A Powerful App Platform
All the leader guide content is delivered digitally via the Life Teen app. This app platform is designed to help streamline administrative functions and ease communication between youth ministers and Core Members in planning and implementing sessions, as well as help youth ministers provide important event information and deadlines to parents and teenagers. Simply schedule your sessions in the Life Teen app and instantly Core Members, parents, and teens all receive the information they need, right in the Life Teen app on their iOS or Android device. 

Impactful Curriculum 
The Purpose curriculum is 24 sessions and focuses on three big questions - "Why believe in God?" "Why trust Jesus?" and "Why belong to the Church?" This curriculum is designed to be kerygmatic with an emphasis on walking a teenager from an unfounded belief (or disbelief) in God toward a commitment to Jesus lived out through the Catholic Church. Each session is supplemented with video that engages the hearts, mind, and humor of teenagers. This curriculum is available in a large group, small group, 8th grade, and Spanish format. All four curriculum types are provided with one subscription purchase. Additionally, there is a lectionary-based discipleship bible study option for every session called "Summit." These small group sessions are 20 minutes long and a unique outline is provided for every Sunday of the liturgical year. All Summit sessions can be accessed from within the app platform. 

Supplemental Resources that Last
Purpose includes several supplemental resources that are designed to be more than a textbook - they are reference for teenagers and adults long after they've received the Sacrament of Confirmation. The Foundations series covers the three questions, "Why believe in God?", "Why trust Jesus?", and "Why belong to the Church?" The bible companion, "Inspired," helps teenagers understand Sacred Scripture and the two books, "100 Things Every Catholic Teen Should Know" and "100 Saints Every Catholic Teen Should Know" introduce teens to some of the most basic (and important) Church teachings and saints. Parents and sponsors can dive into the "Story Guide" and find reading for each of the 24 Purpose sessions so they can follow along with their son, daughter, or candidate's confirmation preparation. 

Purpose is a curriculum that grows - every year we will update content to keep it relevant for young people and will add new video content, as well as retreat content to keep your ministry current while proclaiming truths that are timeless. 

Next Steps
After your purchase for Purpose is complete, you will receive a confirmation email from our store for your order. Your temporary login information will be sent via email within an hour of completion. 
With your first year subscription, you will receive a box with each of our 7 supplemental books for Purpose! These will arrive within a few weeks of purchasing Purpose. Unfortunately, this box is not included in international subscriptions.    
Already a subscriber to Life Teen or Edge?
If you’re already subscribed to Life Teen or Edge, we have a special rate for you at $199 for the first year and then $99 every year after! To take advantage of this discount, you’ll need to sign in to our online store or create an account with the email address used to purchase your most recent annual subscription. Questions? Reach out to us at


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