Truth Be Told (2nd Edition)
Basics in Catholic Apologetics

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Puedes confiar en tu madre

Hay una razón por la que Jesús, en su infinita sabiduría, nos dio a la Iglesia como madre. Ella nos guía, nos nutre, nos protege… nos mantiene a raya, a nosotros, niños locos.

Piensa en cualquier gran madre y es muy probable que te invadan cálidos sentimientos de amor. Las madres lo entienden todo. Entienden la lucha de la vida y saben cómo guiar nuestros corazones y mentes hacia una meta mayor. Ah, y saben cómo hacer unas deliciosas galletas con chispas de chocolate. Truth Be Told es un recurso único de preguntas y respuestas para quienes no entienden bien a nuestra madre (bueno, a la Madre Iglesia, claro está). Armado con 60 preguntas comunes sobre la Iglesia y sus enseñanzas, este maravilloso recurso ofrece respuestas breves y detalladas. Al terminar de leer este libro, no solo tendrá el conocimiento, sino también la confianza para responder a estas preguntas con la verdad.

  • The Mission

  • Unique Features

  • About This Author

  • The Mission

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    Truth be Told aims to instill in the reader a confidence in proclaiming their faith with truth, knowledge, and love.
  • Unique Features

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    • Easily readable without lacking depth.
    • Thoughtful and well-supported answers to 60 of the most common questions about the Catholic Church and her teachings quickly referenced from the main table of contents.
    • “In brief” and “in depth” responses to each of those 60 questions.
    • Bolded quotes within each section to help identify important points.
    • Suggested reading for selected questions to help the reader go deeper.
    • Various Catechism, papal, and Scriptural quotes (and subsequent references) to help supplement and support each answer.
  • About This Author

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    Truth be Told is inspired by the curious human mind. All answers within are carefully authored by Mark Hart and Joe Cady and all source material is contributed to the incredibly wise and thoughtful forebearers of the Catholic Church. 

Who Needs It

Anyone wishing to thoughtfully and accurately defend the Catholic Church should invest in a copy of Truth be Told.

Using This Book

This book is great for personal, group, or discipleship use. Here are some great ways to get the most out of Truth be Told:

  • Small Group Discipleship resource
  • Confirmation Gift
  • Graduation Gift
  • Retreat Gift
  • Gift for Parishioners
  • Youth Ministry Office Resource