True North
True North

True North
A Roadmap for Discernment

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Tome decisiones que importen

Hoy tomarás miles de decisiones y una de ellas podría cambiar tu vida. ¿Estás seguro de que lo que tú quieres y lo que Dios quiere son lo mismo? No lo dejes al azar, déjalo en manos del Espíritu Santo.

  • The Mission

  • Unique Features

  • About This Author

  • The Mission

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    True North helps you understand God’s will and make decisions that lead you to heaven, happiness, and holiness. It will not only help you know God’s will, but live it out every day.
  • Unique Features

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    • At the end of every chapter there are several journal questions to help deepen your experience of prayer and help your sharpen your discernment skills.
    • Endnotes provide deeper insight, commentary, and humor on the material, making True North an expandable experience you can read through multiple times without getting bored or the content feeling stale.
    • A compact size allows True North to go with you anywhere and easily fits into a backpack, purse, satchel, or conference totebag.
  • About This Author

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    Joel Stepanek has been actively and passionately involved in ministry for over ten years. What began as a simple internship in a parish youth ministry office evolved into an incredible adventure that led him on numerous middle school lock-ins, high school retreats, parish missions, and ultimately to meet his wife, Colleen. Joel is the Director of Resource Development for Life Teen, loves cooking, weightlifting, spending time with his family, and raising awareness about the disgustingness of kale and all things kale related. Contrary to popular belief, he does not have narcolepsy and does not randomly fall asleep in odd situations.

Who Needs It

Any person in high school or beyond that wants to know and do God’s will and make their life an incredible adventure.

Using This Book

True North is deep enough for personal prayer and practical enough to help you make the big decisions of life with ease and clarity. Use True North for:
  • Individual reading and prayer
  • Small Group discipleship
  • College groups
  • Vocational discernment groups
  • Retreat gifts
  • College send-off gifts