A 14 1/2 Day Self-Guided Retreat on Emotions

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Todas las sensaciones

Feliz, triste, enojado, culpable, avergonzado, temeroso… la lista de emociones que podemos experimentar es interminable. Si bien a veces pueden resultar abrumadoras o confusas, nuestras emociones son un regalo de Dios. Pero Dios no nos dio el don de la emoción para que estuviéramos controlados por nuestras emociones. Dios desea que entendamos nuestras emociones, para que podamos procesarlas y responder a ellas de manera saludable. Dios incluso nos dio el ejemplo perfecto de cómo hacer esto: Jesús. Como ser humano pleno, Jesús experimentó todas las emociones humanas. Jesús estaba feliz. Jesús estaba triste. Jesús estaba enojado. Jesús tenía miedo… y así sucesivamente. Cuando miramos las emociones a través de la lente de Jesús, podemos aprender a experimentar y ordenar correctamente nuestras emociones. Usando a Jesús como marco, Feliz ayuda a los adolescentes a ponerse en contacto con sus emociones. Durante 14 días (y medio), los adolescentes descubrirán cómo reconocer y responder a sus emociones, para que puedan vivir una vida de alegría.

  • The Mission

  • Unique Features

  • About This Author

  • The Mission

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    Happy is a self-guided retreat that helps teens better understand the many emotions they may experience in their lives by exploring the emotions Jesus experienced during His life.

  • Unique Features

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    - Includes 14 and a half reflections on emotions and dispositions teens experience in their daily lives

    - Highlights the emotions of Jesus through a variety of Scripture stories

    - Invites readers to expand their prayer life by writing a closing prayer for each reflection

    - Encourages readers to incorportate journaling into their prayer life

  • About This Author

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    Joel Stepanek has been actively and passionately involved in ministry for over ten years. What began as a simple internship in a parish youth ministry office evolved into an incredible adventure that led him on numerous middle school lock-ins, high school retreats, parish missions, and ultimately to meet his wife, Colleen. Joel is the Vice President of Parish Services for Life Teen, loves cooking, weightlifting, spending time with his family, and raising awareness about the disgustingness of kale and all things kale related. Contrary to popular belief, he does not have narcolepsy and does not randomly fall asleep in odd situations.

Who Needs It

Any teen who wants to examine their emotions and learn how to live a truly joyful life.

Using This Book

Happy is designed to be a personal retreat for teens, but teens may journey through this retreat with a small group. It is a great follow up to the Mood series from May 2020 Life Support.