Come Walk
Come Walk

Come Walk
A Teen Guide to Stations of the Cross

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101+ $1 off
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En sus huellas

Él cargó con el peso de tu pecado en su cruz y caminó hasta una colina para ser crucificado. Fue un camino que condujo a la redención de la humanidad. Es más que historia. Es más que una película. Es un camino de transformación. ¿Seguirás a Jesús en el camino?

Come Walk es un increíble libro de bolsillo que te llevará a través del Vía Crucis y la Pasión y Muerte de Jesús de una manera que nunca antes habías experimentado. Las Sagradas Escrituras, la oración y la reflexión hacen de este un poderoso devocional perfecto para la Cuaresma y el Triduo.

  • The Mission

  • Unique Features

  • About This Author

  • The Mission

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    Come Walk takes readers on a spiritual journey with Christ through the Stations of the Cross, challenging them to enter into the incredible Passion and Death of our Lord.
  • Unique Features

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    • A guide for praying the Stations of the Cross
    • Reflections and prayers for every station
    • A guide to praying the Stations of the Cross with St. John Paul II
    • Pocket-size allows for easy storage in a pew back or baskets
  • About This Author

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    Priests and members of the Life Teen staff created Come Walk for any person that wants to follow in the footsteps of Jesus Christ. Their sincere desire is that we could all walk that way which leads to a death to ourselves and a resurrection in Jesus Christ.

Who Needs It

Come Walk is written for any Christian that wants to take the dangerous step of entering into Jesus’ suffering and desire to imitate it so they could experience His resurrection, as well.

Using This Book

Come Walk is perfect for devotion and deeper reflection, especially during Lent and Triduum – there are a variety of ways to use this resource:

  • Provide copies for your parish community as guides for Stations of the Cross
  • Retreat gifts • Family reflections during Triduum
  • Guides for prayer at Life Night
  • Weekly devotional during Lent
  • Purchase copies for your next retreat for teens to read during Eucharistic Adoration